Kiai 気合 is a term used in a lot of Japanese martial arts. Ki is a difficult word to translate but it can mean both energy and also spirit. Ai means meeting or harmony. In kendo we usually think of kiai as being something to do with the voice, but that is not strictly what it means. Kiai is a form of communication with your opponent, letting them know your intention to give everything to the match. It is possible for kiai to be completely without sound.
The AJKF Kendo Dictionary defines kiai as:"The state where one is fully focused on the opponent's move (sic) and one's planned moves. Also refers to vocalisations one produces when in such a state of mind."
So we do use our voice to express kiai but kiai is not just the voice. In Japanese the shout itself is called kakegoe 掛声. The voice is how we begin to understand kiai, using our shout very carefully and deliberately to show our intention. This is why we say ki-ken-tai-itchi is:
ki 気 (energy) = the shout
ken 剣 (sword) = the cut
tai 体 (body) = the right foot
itchi 一致 (as one) = happening together
Different kinds of kiai
There are different kinds of voiced kiai in kendo. They include: kiaithat tests your opponent kiaithat creates an opportunity kiaithat expresses your intention to cut
Kiaithat tests your opponent This is the kiai that you produce as soon as you stand up from sonkyo when in a match or keiko. It announces your resolve, your courage. In a sense it asks a question of your opponent: "Are you ready? Because I am!"
This kind of kiai is also used throughout the match as the two kenshi vie for supremacy from the distance of to-ma.
There are no set words or sounds for this kind of kiai. Everyone eventually develops their own sound with their own "words" (which of course aren't words at all). Often one's kiai will change over time, even after it has reached 'maturity'.
这种气合所发出的词或者音调是随意的。每个人完全可以用他自己的调喊出他自己的“词” (这些可能根本就不是什么词),每个人的气合不时会变,即使达到了所谓的“成熟”阶段
Kiaithat creates an opportunity The previous kiai can easily lead to this kind of kiai. There is an old school of naginata that has a specific word for this kind of voiced kiai, and that is yagoe 矢声, or "arrow-voice". It means sending your voice out like a weapon that strikes your opponent even before your attack does
寻觅战机的气合 这种气合很容易从前一种气合转换而来。旧时的教naginata的学校有一种专门的叫法来命名这种气合,叫矢声。它的意思是在你切实的攻击发动前,先用你的声音像武器一样打击对手。
This kind of focused kiai is not an easy technique to achieve each and every time, but we could say it comes from a very powerful intention to overcome one's opponent. Usually the opportunity that such a kiai gives us to attack is extremely small, especially with experienced opponents, so there is no time to sit back and watch for their reaction. You step in with your body and your spirit, confident that you will overcome them, and then you attack with confidence immediately.
Kiaithat expresses your intention to cut This is the kiai that happens when you cut. It must be in unison with your cut and your body movement. It is either "MEN!", KOTE!", "DO!" or "TSUKI!"
表达你横心一击的气合 这种气合发声在你斩击时,它必须与你的身体移动,斩击动作相一致。你只能(对应地)喊“men”“kote”‘do’‘tsuki’
In the beginning it can sometimes be difficult for shinpan (referees) to detect an inexperienced person's intention through their attitude, especially since kyu grade matches can become very messy. So it is necessary for the kiai of junior kenshi to be very clear as well. As they become more experienced it is easier to tell what their intended target was and whether they have achieved their aim, so this is when the actual sound of "men", "kote", etc, becomes a little blurry. It is not so necessary for a senior kenshi to pronounce the words properly, or even at all, for the shinpan to know when they have scored correctly.
However even if your kiai is not clear in terms of what it sounds like, I believe it should still be loud, it should be long and it should start at the moment of cutting, not after or before. Lately there has been a fashion for Japanese kenshi of university level (sometimes as high as police level) to produce their kiai quite a moment after their cut has been made. Personally I believe this is a kind of affectation and should not be imitated.
What is a good sound to make? Apart from the names of the datotsubui (target areas), the best kiai sound I believe is "Yaaa!" With experience you will find a sound that fits, not your personality, but your body. But you will come up with it naturally. In the meantime, "Yaaa!" is a very good start. It is simple. It prepares your body for action. It can be projected easily and forcefully. And it doesn't mean anything embarrassing in any language that I know of!
如何发好声音 撇开它的专称不谈,我认为最好的气合声是“呀”。等你有了经验了,你会发现一种不是合你喜好而是合你自身的发声,自然而然的。现在用“呀”作为开始也不错。它简单,它让你的身体准备好去行动。它发起来轻松而有力。而且就我所知的语言中,它没有任何侮辱性的意思。
古训说:【心不正声不清,气不满声即弱云云】。无浊清澈的声音是由严正之心而出,又说明由气力充实的状态才能发出有力的声音。希望能学得一套清澈大而有力能攫出对方肺腑尖锐的声音。 凝聚满身的毅力,在体内成火花瞬间称为气势。此气势迸发成声,称为发声。本来叫喊声,即不喊不能出声,初学者不能体会这种气势,故先从形而进入精神的做法,发出喊声就好。发声虽然出声,若不能因而将全身的活力凝聚成声则不行。因此施行中偶然真的气势的道理也会体会出来。反而失去效果,因此希望能做关键性的喊声。
剑道气势是很重要的。如同车子加油使引擎增加回转,人类宏大的发声可使心身充实做出预想不到非常漂亮的技法。说来简单,其实难做到。特别高龄后发出大声就是件苦差事。发出裂帛的气势相当耗费能量,即使年轻时持续练习,也会使体力衰落而疲累。对这种人以最大限度的气势做练习,连做六‧七次的小手--->面连击就会气喘不过来。不是含糊发声,而是【呀! 小手! 面! 】,由腹底出声这么辛苦而来。如果忽视此点就办不到了。一疲累,声音会变小,因为平常就要尽量大声发出,发声的临界点有必要再提高。